The Theory behind Mr. MOLY Lubrication
Mr. MOLY products utilize the naturally occurring lubricant, molybdenum disulfide, along with other selected minerals and chemicals in the most effective way possible for industrial, manufacturing, mining, marine, agriculture, and automotive applications.
In use, Mr. MOLY products form a lubricating layer of molybdenum disulfide on metal-to-metal surfaces, reducing friction, wear, and operating temperature. What makes Mr. MOLY unique is the .05 micron particle size of molybdenum disulfide in our lubricants. The small particle size prevents Mr. Moly from being filtered out by even today’s hybrid automotive filters and keeps the MOS2 in suspension indefinitely.

The molybdenum disulfide molecules in Mr. MOLY arrange themselves into layers into which each molybdenum atom is sandwiched between two sulfur atoms. The sulfur atoms are attracted to metals and therefore become plated or bonded on to each of the adjacent bearing surfaces. In between these two platings, further layers of molecules form. The sulfur-to-metal bonding is very strong, but the sulfur-to-sulfur bonding between adjacent molecules is very weak, allowing molecules to slide freely over one another. In this way direct contact of metal-to-metal surfaces is prevented and friction is considerably reduced. Consequently, local heating and wear is inhibited and protection is achieved even under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.
The molybdenum disulfide plating is, in effect, a separating layer of immense strength, greater than the yield stress of most metals...and in addition it possesses the low coefficient of friction of .03 to .06 which gives more efficient lubrication combined with greater protection.

MR. MOLY ENGINE OIL SUPPLEMENT 10 OZ $14.50 This thin film of Mr. MOLY prevents metal-to-metal contact between moving parts and effectively eliminates wear. The low coefficient of friction of molybdenum disulfide ( MoS2 ) allows the plated metal parts to glide by each other with reduced friction and heat. The plating action of MoS2 ensures that the protection is there even when the oil has drained off. This is particularly important at startup or in the event of oil or coolant failure.
- Use Mr. MOLY Oil Supplement in the proportion of 5 - 10% of the total oil capacity. Our new can (300 ml) is therefore appropriate for vehicles with 3 L to 6 L oil capacity.
- You chose the brand of oil YOU want to use.
- Mr. MOLY Engine Oil Supplement can be used with any mineral oil (traditional motor oil), synthetic oil or synthetic/mineral blends.
- For best results, add Mr. MOLY Engine Oil Supplement at each oil change, but you do not need to change the oil before adding. Just ensure you do not overfill.
- Mr. MOLY Engine Oil Supplement should NOT be used in engines using a wet clutch system (where the engine, transmission and clutch assembly are all lubricated by the same oil system - found on many motorcycles) or on 2 stroke engines.

Even with extensive machining and honing of the surfaces on new or rebuilt engines, under microscopic view these surfaces (i.e. rings to cylinder wall, cam to lifters) look like two mountain ranges passing over each other. As these peaks pass over each other, they actually weld together and then shear apart, creating tremendous friction and heat. This is the reason why new or rebuilt engines will run at higher than normal temperatures during the break-in period. Break-In helps to eliminate scuffing and scoring and promotes the flowing out of metal high points. These high points are flattened, not broken away.
Break-In is ideally suited for performance type engines in cars and boats where the luxury of a normal break-in period at low speeds is not available. In normal everyday use, the benefit of using Break-In in the engine’s early life will ensure a longer life and delay, by thousands of miles, the inevitable costly rebuild.

Mr. MOLY Manual Transmission Supplement (MTS) plates onto all parts of the gear drive (gears, bearings, splines, shifter forks, etc.) providing a protective barrier that will sustain loads in excess of 200,000 psi. This thin film of MoS2 prevents metal-to-metal contact between moving parts and effectively eliminates wear. The low coefficient of friction of MoS2, ( read, very, very, slippery ) allows the plated metal parts to glide by each other with reduced friction and heat. The plating action of MoS2 ensures that the protection is there even when the oil has drained off. Producing easier shifting, reduced heat and friction and reduced wear of driveline components. Often quieting the noisy hum that some differentials produce.
Use Mr. Moly Manual Transmission Supplement in most manual transmissions and differentials in the proportion of 5 – 10% of the total oil capacity. This can usually be accomplished by 'topping up' the fluid level in the differential or manual transmission. |
Mr. MOLY Manual Transmission Supplement should NOT be used in transmissions using a wet clutch system (found on many motorcycles), in automatic transmissions, in manual transmissions using a glycol based fluid or on limited slip differentials.
Most of these units rely on friction to produce motion and the plating action of Mr. MOLY Manual Transmission Supplement will reduce friction sufficiently to prevent motion. Use Mr. MOLY Automatic Transmission Supplement for these applications.

- For automatic transmissions, limited-slip differentials, power steering units, wet clutch systems (found on many motorcycles) and all drives that recommend automatic transmission fluid.
- Add in the proportion of 5 – 10% of the total fluid capacity.
- Add in the proportions noted above at the time that the automatic transmission fluid is changed.
- However, fluid levels can be topped up at any time using one or two tubes of Mr. MOLY Automatic Transmission Supplement. Simply unscrew the cap, cut an inch off the end of the neck and squeeze slowly into the automatic transmission dipstick tube.

- Copaslip won't soften or harden under extreme operating conditions. (operating range up to 2000 ºF (1100 ºC).
- Prevents metal-to-metal contact under all likely conditions so there is no danger of galling or metal pickup even under extreme pressures.
- Highly effective corrosion inhibitors provide permanent protection against rusting & corrosion.
- Use in high temperature areas: Copaslip's high temperature anti-seize properties save valuable man hours in dismantling retorts, boiler covers, valves and furnace parts, exhaust manifolds, etc
- Use in areas of extreme pressure: Use it on tool joints, drill collars, precision threads, pipelines and valves. Copaslip permits easy breakout of threaded connections even after prolonged exposure to extreme pressure, temperature and corrosion
- Use at points of high friction: Copaslip protects where conventional lubricants break down such as drawing and forming metals; lathe centers and slides; wire ropes and chains, (particularly In very arduous conditions)
- Use in any assembly process: Copaslip reduces nut driving torque requirements compared to oil or grease In addition to greatly increasing the ease of dismantling. Use as a lubricant behind disc brake pads to reduce squeal, on pivot points and adjusters; on manifold, muffler and pipe bolts and connections; spark plug threads and cylinder head bolts
With injection molded tips
MR. MOLY COPASLIP 8.8 OZ (SAME AS 221-410) $16.00

Mr. MOLY AS 40 is a pre-assembly lubricating compound formulated to prevent scuffing and scoring of mechanical components at start up and to prevent galling and corrosion. It has a molybdenum disulfide content of over 40%, (resulting in exceptional load carrying capacity, in excess of 140,000 psi.) in a gelled lubricating oil with a highly effective rust and corrosion inhibitor.
- Pretreats new or reconditioned plain bearings, gears, piston rings, cams and valve stems.
- Prevents seizure of nuts and bolts, valves and cocks, screw threads, press fittings and turbine studs.
- Lubricates small mechanisms which can't be lubricated after assembly